Summer Months (Term 1 & Term 4)
Times indicated are a guide only – experiences will be lengthened or shortened depending on the children’s needs, interests and desire to further explore an activity.
8:30 | Children arrive, unpack belongings, settle with staff in small group activities (stories, construction, games, drawing etc). |
9:30 | Children put on hats & sun cream Outdoor experiences – gross motor, sand, dramatic play, craft, balls, etc. Language – story, discussion, drama, picture discussions, felt boards etc. Music / Movement – songs, rhymes, instruments, dance, movement, rhythms etc. Morning tea is included during outside play. The group is divided into 2 smaller groups, each group taking a turn at going inside for a language and music/movement experience during the outdoor play period. |
10:30 | Toilet & wash hands before morning tea. Morning tea – children get their morning tea from the basket, sit at tables to eat, or on a mat outside for a picnic, drinks are poured by the children. Children continue playing outdoors once they have finished their morning tea. |
11:30 | Pack away outdoor experiences – children assist where possible. |
11:40 | Toilet & wash hands after being outside. Indoor experiences – craft, construction, dramatic play, puzzles, manipulative games, concept games, literacy etc. Pack away indoor experiences – children to assist where possible. Sharing Time – children share some of the work they have completed during the day at Pre-school with their friends. |
1:10 | Toilet & wash hands before lunch. Lunch – Children sit at tables or on a mat outside for a picnic, eat sandwiches first, then other food items, and have their drink. Children pack their lunch boxes into bag & put drink bottles on tray. If we have lunch outside, children play outdoors under cover once they have finished their lunch. Toilet & wash handsIf lunch is inside children move to quiet activities after they have finished their lunch. Quiet Time – children get a book to read while sitting on their pillow. A story or music is played while the children lay their heads on their pillow to listen. In Terms 2, 3 and 4 quiet time activities are completed by the children while sitting on their pillows (quiet activity time). |
2:00 | Children pack up their pillows and put them away. Children put on shoes and socks. News. Game – singing games and dance activities |
2:30 | Children sit in a group for a story, news, discussion etc. |
2:45 | Indoor games until parents arrive – construction, drawing, puzzles, manipulative games etc. |
3:30 | Centre closes at 3.30pm |
The activities provided each day are planned by the staff to meet the interests and developmental needs of the children. Our aim is to make learning an interesting, fun and enjoyable experience, one that the children participate in and contribute to. Within a day at pre-school your child may be actively participating in a role play setting, a construction or building activity, completing puzzles, measuring sand, climbing and balancing, a craft activity, painting, pasting or sculpting dough. They will have lots to communicate with you about their busy day at pre-school.