The value of the Program for your child
Language: listening, talking, expressing feelings, communicating needs and wants, comprehending, responding to the spoken and written word, using acquired knowledge, conversational skills, using language within a social setting, realising the appropriate time to speak and what to say, using your imagination, and many more…
Role Play: turn taking, establishing a leader in a group, taking on a role and expressing yourself within that role, pretending to be someone or something else, solving problems, using your imagination, using acquired knowledge, getting things your own way, not getting things your own way, and many more…
Building and Construction: balance, size, turn taking, length, measuring, height, how things fit together, creating something of your own, symmetry, same, different, long, short, thick, thin, curved, straight, sadness when things break or fall, expressing feelings, working together or alone, finger dexterity, strength, rules for safe play,
eye/hand co-ordination, and many more…
Craft: painting, pasting, drawing, cutting, solving problems, using imagination, creativity, patterns, recognizable forms, colour, pencil grip, left or right hand dominance, finger dexterity and control, eye/hand co-ordination, expressing feelings, creating something from nothing, pure enjoyment, and many more…
Puzzles: solving problems, challenges, getting to the finished product, completion, colour, shape, size, pattern, helping others, thinking, concentration, asking for help, knowing own capabilities, succeeding in a task, the proud feeling you have when you look at the finished puzzle, and many more…
Dough/Clay: sculpting, moulding, squeezing, banging, hitting, rolling, cutting, bending, twisting, making shapes, colour, weight, measuring equal portions, sharing, working with others or working alone, creating recognizable or imaginative forms, using imagination, solving problems and many more…
Games: turn taking, working with others, learning rules, concentration, thinking, communicating, colour, shape, size, matching, same, different, odd one out, concepts, staying at a task until it’s completed, knowing when the game is finished, and many more…
Sand: digging, pouring, shaping, texture, wet, dry, heavy, light, soft, hard, role play, buckets, spades, full, empty, sharing, turn taking, working with others or working alone, rules for safe play, castles, cooking, moulding, communicating with others and many more…
Gross Motor Equipment: climbing, balance, confidence, knowing own capabilities, challenges, fears, eye/hand co-ordination, eye/foot co-ordination, left or right hand dominance, ball skills, strength, turning, twisting, running, moving around obstacles, rules for safe play and many more…
Music/Movement: listening, responding to sounds/music, expressing yourself to music, freedom to move, co-ordination of your body to music, beat, rhythm, tempo, pitch, repetition, exposure to all kinds of music, appreciation for the joy of music, how it makes us feel, what we like, don’t like and many more…
Texture Activities: water, rice, bubbles, shaving cream, slime, goop, finger-painting, mud etc, to feel the textures, differences, expressing the feelings you have when you touch it, enjoyment, messy, can be cleaned up, things you may not be able to do at home and many more…
Meal times: morning tea, lunch, drinks, sitting together, eating, manners, conversation, not sharing food, being thankful for what we have to eat, routines, attempting foods you may not have eaten before, and many more…
Literacy: rhyming words, sounds of letters, recognition of letters, writing name, writing words, reading familiar words, matching sounds, words that start with a particular sound, left to right, top to bottom and many more…
Numeracy: shapes, size, numbers, counting, matching, recognition of numerals, sorting, classifying, grouping, addition, patterns and many more…
As the list of activities above shows, your child has a very full day at pre-school. There’s more to the day that what your child takes home each afternoon. Try using some of the words to help promote some meaningful conversations about their exciting day at pre-school.